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هل تنتظر المغاربة عقوبات في حالة ذبح الاضحية ؟

  إلغاء ذبح الأضاحي في المغرب لسنة 2025: الأسباب والتداعيات أصدر العاهل المغربي توجيهًا يدعو المواطنين إلى الامتناع عن ذبح الأضاحي خلال عيد الأضحى لهذه السنة، وذلك نظرًا للتحديات الاقتصادية والمناخية التي أثرت بشكل كبير على قطاع المواشي. ويأتي هذا القرار في سياق أزمة ارتفاع الأسعار وتراجع أعداد القطيع نتيجة موجات الجفاف ونقص الموارد العلفية. يهدف هذا الإجراء إلى حماية الثروة الحيوانية الوطنية من التدهور، خاصة بعد تراجع أعداد الأغنام بشكل كبير خلال السنوات الأخيرة. كما يسعى إلى تخفيف الأعباء المالية عن الأسر المغربية التي تواجه ارتفاعًا في تكاليف المعيشة. وقد تم التأكيد على أن الدولة ستعمل على تقديم حلول بديلة لدعم الفئات الهشة خلال هذه الفترة. أما فيما يخص العقوبات التي قد تفرض على المخالفين، فلم يتم إصدار أي قرار رسمي بشأنها حتى الآن. ومع ذلك، فإن مثل هذه القرارات تكون ملزمة للمواطنين، ومن المتوقع أن تُفرض إجراءات تنظيمية لضمان احترام التوجيهات الملكية. وفي حالات سابقة، تم اتخاذ تدابير رقابية لمنع ذبح المواشي خارج المسالخ المعتمدة أو خارج الضوابط الصحية المعمول بها. وقد أثار ه...

Caterpillar bulldozers types and their features

 Bulldozers are considered one of the most important heavy equipment, and they are versatile, such as leveling roads, mining, removing accumulated soil, construction and demolition waste, and natural quart waste. So that it settles the land and roads, pushes the soil, and settles the roads in order to repair them. Caterpillar Inc. is the overall leader in the bulldozers and heavy equipment industries. It is an American company headquartered in California, founded on April 15, 1925. It largely controls other competitors because of its quality and various heavy equipment such as bulldozers, excavators and scrapers. Among the heavy equipment produced by Caterpillar Inc. are the bulldozers, from which Caterpillar produces several types and shapes according to the customer's need and the nature of the work. Through this topic, we will introduce you to the types and specifications of Caterpillar bulldozers. 1: D8R Bulldozer The D8R bulldozer is classified as large bulldozers th...

Types of heavy equipment

  Heavy equipment is a group of engineering machinery specialized in construction operations or construction works such as roads, building dams, digging tunnels, mines and other works that require the presence of such huge machines. There are several companies specializing in the manufacture of these heavy equipment, such as the Japanese company Komatsu, Swedish Volvo, and Swiss Lebhir, and many manufacturers of these machines or heavy equipment but the most famous of these manufacturers of heavy equipment are the American company, Caterpillar, which specializes in designing, marketing and selling heavy machinery and diesel engines. Caterpillar Inc is the largest heavy equipment company in the world since its founding in 1925. It was followed by JCB which is also specialized in heavy equipment, agricultural equipment, demolition, and others. It is a British company founded in 1945. Through this topic, we will suggest to you several types of these heavy equipment their materials and...

The strangest trucks of the future

  Many international companies specialized in the truck industry compete to provide the best, latest, most advanced and innovative trucks in order to maintain itself in the global competitive market. First of all because this sector is likely to grow gradually over the years.  Therefore, these companies such as Mercedes, Volvo, Scania, Ford, Audi and many other companies specialized in the truck industry have designed new forms of trucks that will be present in the future in a more sophisticated way than before So that the designers of these companies provide  attractive shapes and designs that reflect the future character of these trucks as well as high quality and stronger bladder. Thus, Engineers designed these futuristic trucks more intelligently and they add the auto-driving mode which can be used whenever the owner desires due to its benefits for the driver as . It gives him more comfort, especially in long distances. Besides,  It gives the driver more safety c...