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الاسماك المحرم أكلها

تحريم أكل بعض أنواع الأسماك يختلف حسب المعتقدات الدينية والقوانين الصحية. إليك بعض الفئات الشائعة من الأسماك المحرمة في بعض السياقات: 1. من الناحية الدينية (الإسلامية) الأسماك التي لا تحتوي على قشور : بعض المذاهب الفقهية (مثل المذهب الشيعي) تحرم أكل الأسماك التي لا تمتلك قشور. الأسماك السامة : أي سمك يسبب ضررًا للصحة مثل السمكة المنتفخة (Fugu). الأسماك التي تتغذى على النجاسات : يفضل تجنب أكل الأسماك التي تعيش في المياه الملوثة أو تأكل القاذورات. 2. من الناحية الصحية الأسماك الغنية بالزئبق : مثل سمك القرش، التونة الكبيرة، وسمك أبو سيف، لأنها قد تسبب التسمم بالزئبق. الأسماك التي تحتوي على مواد ملوثة : بعض الأسماك التي تعيش في المياه الملوثة قد تحتوي على مركبات خطيرة مثل الـ PCB والديوكسينات. 3. من الناحية البيئية الأسماك المهددة بالانقراض : مثل سمك الحفش الذي ينتج الكافيار، وبعض أنواع التونة الحمراء. الأسماك التي يتم صيدها بطرق غير مستدامة : مثل بعض أنواع القروش وأسماك الشعاب المرجانية. إذا كنت تبحث عن تحريم أكل الأسماك وفقًا لدين أو ثقافة معينة، يمكنك توضيح ذلك وسأقدم ل...

Caterpillar bulldozers types and their features

 Bulldozers are considered one of the most important heavy equipment, and they are versatile, such as leveling roads, mining, removing accumulated soil, construction and demolition waste, and natural quart waste. So that it settles the land and roads, pushes the soil, and settles the roads in order to repair them.

Caterpillar Inc. is the overall leader in the bulldozers and heavy equipment industries. It is an American company headquartered in California, founded on April 15, 1925. It largely controls other competitors because of its quality and various heavy equipment such as bulldozers, excavators and scrapers.

Among the heavy equipment produced by Caterpillar Inc. are the bulldozers, from which Caterpillar produces several types and shapes according to the customer's need and the nature of the work.

Through this topic, we will introduce you to the types and specifications of Caterpillar bulldozers.

1: D8R Bulldozer

The D8R bulldozer is classified as large bulldozers that are specially built to withstand the harshest conditions, are durable and stiff, and withstand high temperatures and harsh cold. In other words, they were made for all regions of the world, and they are not specific to a particular continent, like what is in cars. The bulldozer can handle all kinds of climates. It withstands hard and rocky floors and is easy to operate and control due to its smart operating systems and has a comfortable operating cabin. And it has the advantages of easy to maintain quickly and less effort. It can also fill fuel more quickly, easier and faster periodic maintenance, and replace radiator molds more quickly to ensure faster work and greater efficiency.

The D8R bulldozer contains a 226kW CAT3406CDITA engine, which meets the criteria for preserving the environment and reduces toxic gas emissions into the atmosphere. This bulldozer has a fuel tank with a capacity of 625 liters, a length of 4.5 meters and a width of 2.6 meters, and it can have blades in front of multiple lengths, depending on the nature of the work to be accomplished.

2: D8T Bulldozer

This bulldozer also belongs to the class of large bulldozers and is also designed to withstand extreme climates and hard and rocky soils. It is specially made to achieve more work in less time, as it has several advantages that increase production and save fuel up to 10% compared to the previous D8R bulldozer. It also has a larger blade than the previous D8R bulldozer, and a larger blade. And bear a greater temperature due to the availability of cooling systems. The D8T bulldozer is equipped with a CAT C15 242 kW engine that meets the criteria for reducing toxic gas emissions into the atmosphere. This bulldozer has a fuel tank capacity of 600 liters. As for its length, it is 4.6 meters and its width is 2.7 meters.

3: D9 GC Bulldozer

It is a bulldozer that is advanced on its predecessors, such as the D8R and D8T bulldozer, as it has more advanced features, more production, great fuel economy, and easier maintenance and repair compared to previous bulldozers. This bulldozer is used in several uses such as breaking up the earth cover, bulldozing, stacking, and land reclamation. Caterpillar Inc. designed this bulldozer with many features, such as safety and comfort in work. They are easy to maintain and require less time.

This bulldozer has electrical conductors sealed to prevent entry of soil. And it has a radiator made of aluminum bars. It has a CAT3408C engine with a net capacity of 308 kW. It has a fuel tank with a capacity of 939 liters, a tank for a cooling system with a capacity of 99.8 liters, a tank for a hydraulic system with a capacity of 89 liters, and a shaft oil with a capacity of 30 liters with oil filters. It has a piston type pump that is driven by the flywheel so that it pumps 1 liter in 235 minutes. It has a wet spring disk brake and a number of brakes 8. It has a strong structure that protects it from tipping over and falling objects. It has a planetary transmission. It has a blade weighing 4,800 kg. This bulldozer also has a crusher in the back like a single leg that digs and crushes strong and solid rocks.

4: D9R Bulldozer

It is a bulldozer designed for tough jobs and tough working conditions. This bulldozer has different features from previous bulldozers. Except for the CAT 3408C engine, which also has the previously mentioned D9 GC bulldozer. As for other things, they differ from them in everything. So this engine gives 302 kW of generation. It has a gear-type pump that pumps 239 liters per minute. And a fuel tank capacity of 889 liters. And a cooling system with a capacity of 163 liters. And hydraulic oil tank capacity of 77.2 liters. And it has a blade that can be raised from the ground by 1.9 meters. The blade has a weight of 6,800 kg. It has adjustable, parallelogram multi-blade crushers. The length of this bulldozer is 5,100 meters and its width is 2.8 meters.
It has a 75 ampere alternator. Back or forward alert device. And it has 12 volt batteries. It has a four valve hydraulic system. And the fabric seat is comfortable for long work. It also has an advanced AMOCS cooling system, in which cooling systems differ from one place to another. Arctic cooling systems are not like cooling systems in hot regions. These bulldozers also have a copper-nickel radiator, unlike the aluminum used in previous bulldozers.

5: D9T Bulldozer

It is a type of D9 bulldozer, but it differs from them in some other things. So that this bulldozer is designed to work in harsh conditions due to its special design for these climatic conditions and withstand harsh heat and cold, falling rocks, overturning and other constraints experienced by bulldozers in general. One of the features of this bulldozer is that it has a CAT C18 ACERT engine with a capacity of 329 kW that respects environmental standards and reduces gas emissions. It also has a fuel tank capacity of 889 liters, a cooling system of 101 liters and an oil tank capacity of 89 liters. This bulldozer operates with a hydraulic system, like all previous bulldozers, and it has oil filters. It also has a single-shank crusher in the back, parallel-rib, and adjustable, and it also has multi-shank crushers that are installed at the expense of the nature of the workers to be accomplished. The length of this bulldozer is 5.5 meters and its width is 3.3 meters. It has an electrical generator that generates 95 amperes, and it has a device for warning to reverse or walk forward, and it has two batteries of 12 filters.

6: D10 T2 Bulldozer

It is a large and advanced bulldozer more than previous bulldozers, and it is the largest size of the D9 bulldozers. It is designed for heavy work and heavy work. This bulldozer has a CAT C27 ACERT engine that generates 462 kW and 754 hp and is 7.7 meters in length and 3.7 meters in width. It has a front transmission speed of 4 km per hour, a front 2 speed of 7.2 km / hour, and a front 3 speed of 12.73 km / hour. It has a hydraulic variable-type piston pump, which pumps one liter every 380 minutes. This bulldozer has a fuel tank capacity of 1190 liters, a cooling system of 180 liters and an oil tank capacity of 131 liters with oil filters operating under a hydraulic system. This bulldozer has a generator that generates 150 ampere, 12 volt batteries, front and back alarm, air conditioner, heater, and other entertainment matters such as radio and others.


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