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هل تنتظر المغاربة عقوبات في حالة ذبح الاضحية ؟

  إلغاء ذبح الأضاحي في المغرب لسنة 2025: الأسباب والتداعيات أصدر العاهل المغربي توجيهًا يدعو المواطنين إلى الامتناع عن ذبح الأضاحي خلال عيد الأضحى لهذه السنة، وذلك نظرًا للتحديات الاقتصادية والمناخية التي أثرت بشكل كبير على قطاع المواشي. ويأتي هذا القرار في سياق أزمة ارتفاع الأسعار وتراجع أعداد القطيع نتيجة موجات الجفاف ونقص الموارد العلفية. يهدف هذا الإجراء إلى حماية الثروة الحيوانية الوطنية من التدهور، خاصة بعد تراجع أعداد الأغنام بشكل كبير خلال السنوات الأخيرة. كما يسعى إلى تخفيف الأعباء المالية عن الأسر المغربية التي تواجه ارتفاعًا في تكاليف المعيشة. وقد تم التأكيد على أن الدولة ستعمل على تقديم حلول بديلة لدعم الفئات الهشة خلال هذه الفترة. أما فيما يخص العقوبات التي قد تفرض على المخالفين، فلم يتم إصدار أي قرار رسمي بشأنها حتى الآن. ومع ذلك، فإن مثل هذه القرارات تكون ملزمة للمواطنين، ومن المتوقع أن تُفرض إجراءات تنظيمية لضمان احترام التوجيهات الملكية. وفي حالات سابقة، تم اتخاذ تدابير رقابية لمنع ذبح المواشي خارج المسالخ المعتمدة أو خارج الضوابط الصحية المعمول بها. وقد أثار ه...

Peterbelt truck features

 Peterbelt truck features  Peterbelt Motors is an American company, headquartered in Denton, Texas, that specializes in the manufacture of heavy and medium commercial trucks  powered by diesel engines. The company produced its first truck in the world of 1939.  The Peterbelt trucks feature with an attractive classic shape that makes them most popular in the United States of America To be surpassed by its role which is  transporting all kind of goods including  heavy ones to the world of cinema and films. Thus, that the Peterbelt Truck participated in many American films, including Optimus Prime, Revenge of the Fallen, Transforms and Dark of the Moon. These films gave Peterbelt trucks wide fame and more popularity in the United States of America as in the rest of the world. However, these trucks are founded only in the United States of America. One one hand,  the shape of the truck head  called the crocodile due to  its shape which look alike ...

The 8 best trucks and their nationalities

The 8 best trucks and their nationalities  Trucks play an important role in the backbone of life, which has a role in facilitating many things and bringing them closer. Considering that it contributes to the transport of goods and heavy things that cars cannot transport, as well as the many loads that these trucks carry of goods, medicines and other needs that a person needs in the current era. These trucks differ in terms of sizes and shapes according to the purpose and necessity required by life or the nature of the work that is intended to be accomplished by this truck. Through this topic, we will suggest to you the 10 best trucks: 1: Scania  Scania trucks belong to the Swedish company, the Swedish origin, which is a company specializing in the manufacture of heavy equipment such as trucks, mega buses and some giant ship engines. And it has several branches in the world as Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia . 2 : Mercedes The Mercedes truck belongs to the Ger...

MG Corporation unveils its electric cyberster at the Shanghai International Expo

    Sports utility vehicle MG Corporation announced in a marketing advertisement an electric sports car called MG . MG is considered as a British sports car company that was established in 1924, but in 2007 the brand moved to a Chinese company that was contributing to the financing of MG by producing modern cars which appears on the MG car . MG has indicated that its cyberster will be fully electric in order to avoid taxes imposed on cars that have conventional fuel engines that cause pollution and toxic gas emissions. MG's owner, SAIC Group, stated that the car contains the fifth generation of 5G internet and that the driver has the advantage of partially interfering when necessary in the car. The MG cyberster has two seats and two doors with a sporty look. Furthermore, the cyberster is also available in smart electrical engineering that provides a range of 800 km (500 miles) with acceleration from 0 to 100 km / h (0 to 62 mph) in less than 3 seconds. In addition, Its...

Lamborghini Huracan STO price and specifications

  Lamb orghini Huracan STO price and specifications Lamborghini unveiled the Lamborghini Huracan STO, which has three driving modes which are : 1 : STO is a dedicated road mode . 2 : TROFEO Track racing mode . 3 : PIOGGIO It is a climate control system that allows it to cope with humid climates . The name of the Lamborghini Huracan STO is inspired by the acronym for the word "super trofero omologatara", which was developed by the "squadra cars" division specifically for racing. But Lamborghini believes that the Lamborghini Huracan STO is worthy even on hard and wet roads and not just for racing tracks. The Lamborghini Huracan STO features a 5.2-liter, 10-cylinder engine that produces 631 horsepower, generating 565 Newton-meters at 650 rpm. The Lamborghini Huragan STO also features rear-wheel drive that ensures acceleration from 0 to 100 km per hour in 3 seconds and from 0 to 200 in 9 seconds. And its speed is 310 km / hour . As for the appearance of the...

The 5 most expensive cars in the world

The 5 most expensive cars in the world  Luxury cars are distinguished by their superior aesthetics, elegance, attractiveness, and smart design that make them distinctive, exciting, and exquisite that fascinates the eye. So we will show you the 5 most expensive cars in the world : 1: Bugatti, the black car, bugatti la voiture noire  The French Bugatti is represented as the most expensive car in the world, with a price of $ 16.2 million. Bugatti features an 8-liter 16W engine with 4 turbochargers generating 1479 hp. Bugatti is considered as the fastest car in the world  because of its elegant and smart appearance and design. 2: Rolls-Royce Ciobatel The Rolls-Royce Siobatel car has an old design which classified  in classic class of luxury yachts loved by princes and royalties. Rolls-Royce has a 6.75-liter engine and costs $ 12 million 3: koenigsegg CCXR trevita The koenigsegg CCXR trevita has a carbon fiber bodywork and a 4.8 liter V8 engine with 1,018 hp. The koenigse...