أثار سروال الملك في فرنسا عدة ردود مغربية واجنبية حول هذا السروال الذي اصبح سخرية في بعض البلدان مثل الجزائر المعادية للمغرب كما ايضا اثار سخرية وسط بعض المغاربة خاصة انا هذا السروال لا يمثل امير المومنين. لكن هناك ايضا بعض المؤيديين والاتباع الذين يشكرون الملك على تواضعه مع ابنائه ومع نفسه ايضا بإرتدائه بعض السراويل التي يرتديها الشباب. لكن الكل لم يعرف ان هذا السروال ينمتي الى احدى الماركات العالمية التي تسمى WHO Decides ويتميز هذا هذا السروال ب يتكون بنطال Patched Arch من قطن بنسبة 100% ويتميز بقصّة نحيفة قليلاً. يبلغ طول البنطال الداخلي 35.5 بوصة ومزين برقع مطرزة في جميع أنحاء البنطال. اما ثمنه فيبلغ 10500 درهم مغربي اي حوالي 1000 دولار
Lamborghini Huracan STO price and specifications
Lamborghini unveiled the Lamborghini Huracan STO, which has three driving modes which are :1 : STO is a dedicated road mode .
2 : TROFEO Track racing mode .
3 : PIOGGIO It is a climate control system that allows it to cope with humid climates .
The name of the Lamborghini Huracan STO is inspired by the acronym for the word "super trofero omologatara", which was developed by the "squadra cars" division specifically for racing.
But Lamborghini believes that the Lamborghini Huracan STO is worthy even on hard and wet roads and not just for racing tracks.
The Lamborghini Huracan STO features a 5.2-liter, 10-cylinder engine that produces 631 horsepower, generating 565 Newton-meters at 650 rpm. The Lamborghini Huragan STO also features rear-wheel drive that ensures acceleration from 0 to 100 km per hour in 3 seconds and from 0 to 200 in 9 seconds. And its speed is 310 km / hour .
As for the appearance of the Lamborghini Huracan STO, it is inspired by Squadra cars with increased aerodynamics, so that Lamborghini designed the front of the Huracan STO to group several parts together, namely the front cover, wheel arches and the hood in the rear with an upper air intake followed by an extended fin as in a racing car .
Lamborghini says the Huracan STO features rear-wheel drive Huracan STO's aerodynamic balance. And that the car is not only dedicated to racing due to its shape, which suggests that it is a sports car, its strength, speed and brakes. "Primo CCM_R brakes" specialized in Formula 1 racing and cooling channels for the Primo brakes .
As for the car’s weight, it does not exceed 1.800 kilograms. The price of a Lamborghini Huracan STO is expected to arrive with delivery to customers in Europe, at a price of 249,412 euros. In the United States of America, its price is 327,838 USD .