أثار سروال الملك في فرنسا عدة ردود مغربية واجنبية حول هذا السروال الذي اصبح سخرية في بعض البلدان مثل الجزائر المعادية للمغرب كما ايضا اثار سخرية وسط بعض المغاربة خاصة انا هذا السروال لا يمثل امير المومنين. لكن هناك ايضا بعض المؤيديين والاتباع الذين يشكرون الملك على تواضعه مع ابنائه ومع نفسه ايضا بإرتدائه بعض السراويل التي يرتديها الشباب. لكن الكل لم يعرف ان هذا السروال ينمتي الى احدى الماركات العالمية التي تسمى WHO Decides ويتميز هذا هذا السروال ب يتكون بنطال Patched Arch من قطن بنسبة 100% ويتميز بقصّة نحيفة قليلاً. يبلغ طول البنطال الداخلي 35.5 بوصة ومزين برقع مطرزة في جميع أنحاء البنطال. اما ثمنه فيبلغ 10500 درهم مغربي اي حوالي 1000 دولار
The 8 best trucks and their nationalities
Trucks play an important role in the backbone of life, which has a role in facilitating many things and bringing them closer. Considering that it contributes to the transport of goods and heavy things that cars cannot transport, as well as the many loads that these trucks carry of goods, medicines and other needs that a person needs in the current era.
These trucks differ in terms of sizes and shapes according to the purpose and necessity required by life or the nature of the work that is intended to be accomplished by this truck. Through this topic, we will suggest to you the 10 best trucks:
1: Scania
Scania trucks belong to the Swedish company, the Swedish origin, which is a company specializing in the manufacture of heavy equipment such as trucks, mega buses and some giant ship engines. And it has several branches in the world as Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia .
2 : Mercedes
The Mercedes truck belongs to the German company Mercedes, which specializes in the manufacture of cars and trucks. Its trucks are considered among the best trucks in terms of strength, quality and intelligence that provide them with a safe driving on the roads.
3: Volvo
It is a Swedish company specializing in heavy cars and trucks. It was established in 1927. It is the first company to introduce safety belts for cars. Its headquarters are "Gutenberg" and it has several branches in the world, including the "MAC" truck company and the "Nova Bus" company. So that it was subject to "Ford" before it was abandoned by "Ford" in 2010. Volvo trucks are of high quality and a world-wide reputation that pushes boundaries .
4: Daf
It is a Dutch company specialized in heavy industries such as trucks and buses. Its headquarters are in Eindhoven, Netherlands. It was founded in 1928 by Hap Van Doron and Wim Van Doorn. Its area of service is Europe and the Middle East, and it works in the field of buses more than trucks.
5 : Renault
It is a French company specialized in many industries such as cars, wagons and trucks. Its headquarters are in the suburbs of Paris. Founded in 1899. Renault Trucks in a special way that distinguishes it from other trucks
iveco It is a company that holds Japanese nationality, but it is multinational in origin. After it was founded by the Italian company "Fiat", it was affiliated to several companies after it was affiliated with the Japanese company Iveco, which is based in Tokyo. Iveco is the largest manufacturer of trucks in the world and is one of the largest manufacturers of diesel engines.
7 : MAN
It is a German company for mechanical engineering. It is a subsidiary of Volkswagen. Its headquarters are in Munich. It specializes in heavy industries such as trucks. Its founder, Rudolf Diez. MAN trucks are more durable than other trucks, and they are widely distributed in the world
8 : FORD
It is an international American company headquartered in Michigan with several branches in the world. It is considered among the top 10 car manufacturers in the world. The Ford company, whether in the manufacture of cars, trucks or tractors, is distinguished by quality and perfection. As it is considered the best company in terms of workmanship and product quality
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