أثار سروال الملك في فرنسا عدة ردود مغربية واجنبية حول هذا السروال الذي اصبح سخرية في بعض البلدان مثل الجزائر المعادية للمغرب كما ايضا اثار سخرية وسط بعض المغاربة خاصة انا هذا السروال لا يمثل امير المومنين. لكن هناك ايضا بعض المؤيديين والاتباع الذين يشكرون الملك على تواضعه مع ابنائه ومع نفسه ايضا بإرتدائه بعض السراويل التي يرتديها الشباب. لكن الكل لم يعرف ان هذا السروال ينمتي الى احدى الماركات العالمية التي تسمى WHO Decides ويتميز هذا هذا السروال ب يتكون بنطال Patched Arch من قطن بنسبة 100% ويتميز بقصّة نحيفة قليلاً. يبلغ طول البنطال الداخلي 35.5 بوصة ومزين برقع مطرزة في جميع أنحاء البنطال. اما ثمنه فيبلغ 10500 درهم مغربي اي حوالي 1000 دولار
According to initial reports from local authorities, the death toll has now reached 55, with the number likely to rise as rescue operations continue. Around 120 injured people are being treated in hospitals, many of them in critical condition. More than 500,000 people have fled their homes and are being housed in temporary emergency centres. Some villages and rural areas have been the hardest hit, with rescue teams struggling to reach them due to blocked roads and flooding, raising fears that the death toll could rise in the coming days. Thousands of residents have also fled their homes and are seeking shelter in emergency centres set up by authorities. Several neighbourhoods, including the rural Zephyrhills neighbourhood, were cut off from the world immediately after the hurricane, with fallen trees blocking roads leading to the area, preventing aid from reaching some residents. Rescuers were also forced to use boats to extract elderly people from their homes. On Friday evening, ...